Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Research Experience

1.      Worked as Guest Researcher in the section of Neuropathology, Clinical Brain Disorders Branch (CBDB), NIMH, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA from November 1999 to 1st February 2000 for a period of three months.
Independently performed glial fibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry   studies on the brain of a series of newborn puppies with experimentally induced cerebral ischemia (colloborating with Dr.Pauline Ting, Neonatologist, Department of Paediatrics, Harward University, Washington, DC). Analyzed the material and wrote a summary of the methods and results.

2.      Awarded 8th Annual AASM Mini-Fellowship Program for International Scholars        and worked as Fellow at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, Illinois from May 18th to June 11th 2009. Northwestern University Feinberg School of medicine is a internationally recognized medical centre with leading academic programme which has got 14 bed clinical sleep disorders laboratory with six Board certified sleep medicine specialists (pulmonary medicine and neurology). As a fellow actively participated in academic programmes, attended to sleep medicine outpatient department, recorded overnight sleep studies and learnt sleep scoring techniques and reported sleep studies

3.      Worked as Clinical Neurology Observership for two months from 11th  April  2016 to 11th  June  2016 at Neurology Department of  Wollongong Hospital ,University Of Wollongong Graduate Medical School, ILLawara Shoalhaven Local Health District New South Wales (NSW) Governament Australia.  During this period I was actively  involved in academic work at the University of Wollongong Graduate Medical School like participation in Hospital grand rounds ,Library tutorials, Neurology department academic activities like Neuroradiology discussions. Neurovascular meetings, combined neuropathology and neuroradiology meetings ,Neurology Departmental Seminars by advanced neurology trainees , Neurology master class teaching  and clinical neurology short case teaching for  FRACP trainees ,Mortality and Morbidity meetings of Neurology and Neurosurgery departments , EEG and Neurophysiology TeachingProgrammes, in the discussions of Nerve conduction studies and actively participated in neurology ,neurosurgery  ward rounds ,weekly Stroke meetings and thrombolysis programmes and   interacted with allied health sciences like Speech therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Dietitics, Medico Social work . Paricipated in the programmes of Rehabilitation medicine, palliative Medicine ,evaluation of Swallowing function by fluoroscopy, Botox injection for movement disorders, Migraine, and spasticity .

Guide/Co-Guide for thesis (MD/DM/PhD/M.Sc)

1.      Sai Rani K. -  Visual evoked potentials in optic nerve disorders  (MD Ophthalmology Thesis). : Sri Venkateswara Medical College Tirupati as Co- Guide(N.T.R University  of Health Sciences), 1997

2.      Muni Kumari S. -  Follow up study of single ring enhancing lesions in epilepsy   patients (MD Radiology Thesis).: Sri Venkateswara Medical College Tirupati (N.T.R University  of Health Sciences), as Co- Guide 1997

3.      Srinivas Reddy B.  -  Predicting the likely hood of Haemorrhage in patients with stroke (MD  General Medicine Thesis). : Sri Venkateswara Medical College Tirupati (N.T.R University  of Health Sciences), as Co- Guide 1998

4.      Nagarathnamma M.-To assess the effectiveness of structures teaching on appropriate life style adoption of epileptic clients (M.Sc Nursing Thesis). Chennai: College of Nursing, Omayalachari, as Co- Guide 1999

5.      Keerthi AS. - Clinical and electrophysiological evaluation of autonomic neuropathy in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. : Sri Venkateswara Medical College Tirupati (N.T.R University  of Health Sciences), as Co- Guide 2001

6.      Sampath Kumar NS.- Predictors of mortality in intracerebral hemorrhage (DM Neurology Thesis). as Chief Guide : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 2006

7.      Venkataramana  B. - Homocysteine, LP(a) levels correlation with carotid doppler in ischaemic stroke (DM Neurology Thesis). as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 2007

8.      Niranjan Babu K. - Neuromuscular respiratory failure in Guillain-Barre syndrome : evaluation of clinical and electrodiagnostic predictors. (DM Neurology Thesis). : as Chief Guide : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 2008

9.      Chakrapani B.- Assessment of autonomic and cognitive dysfunction in Parkinsonism(DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 2009

10.  Vamsi Krishna. - Efficacy of Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program [RNTCP] treatment regimens in patients with various forms of neurological tuberculosis: a prospective study (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 2010.

11.  Nagarathna M. - Quality of life measurment in women with epilepsy (PhD Thesis). (department of Nursing) as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2011

12.  Sree Kumari V.- Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on  corticomotor excitability and motor function of the affected hand in subjects with stroke  (PhD Thesis) as Chief Guide (department of physiotherapy): Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2012

13.  Vijaya Bhaskar B. - Prevalence of sleep disordered breathing in patients with   epilepsy (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2011

14.  Bhaskar Rao U.-  End-organ damage at the time of initial presentation among patients newly diagnosed to have type 2 diabetes mellitus. (MD Thesis) Department of Medicine as Co Guide. :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2011

15.   Naveen T - Acute cerebral vein and dural sinus thrombosis:  a clinico-radiological and outcome study  : (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2012

16.   Naveen  V  - N-terminal pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide Levels and short term prognosis in acute ischemic stroke (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2013

17.  Naga Suresh M - Aetiology, clinical manifestations, radiological findings and outcome of Stroke in Young:  A prospective study –(DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2013

18.  Srinivas P - To assess the risk of Multiple Sclerosis in patients presenting with Optic Neuritis (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2013

19.  Sudhakar Rao  M - Status epilepticus:  a study of etiology, clinical presentation, management and prognosis (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2014

20.  Rama Krishna M - The Spectrum of inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2014

21.  Varadaraja J - In hospital medical and neurological complications, and outcome of stroke patients(DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2014

22.  .Om Prakash. B, Spectrum of neurological complications in denovo detected hypothyroid patients – A prospective study- (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2015

23.  Dayakar. D, Etiology, Semiology, Radiological manifestations and follow  up of patients with first seizure -(DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2015

24.  Nataraja P.  Etiology, Electrophysiological profile and outcome of chronic peripheral neuropathy.- (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2015

25.   Surya Rekha B. Comparison between delayed post contrast flair imaging with other MRI sequences in detecting leptomeningeal disease (DNB Thesis).Department of radiology as Co- Guide Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2015

26.  Revanth Kumar Reddy G. A prospective study to assess the function of spinal accessory nerve and patency of internal jugular vein in modified neck dissection type II (nerve and vein sparing) for oral squamous cell cancers (MCh Thesis). .Department of Surgical oncology  as Co- Guide Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2015

27.  Hemalatha M. A Study to assess the level of stress and coping among the primary care givers of children with epilepsy (PhD Thesis) as Chief Guide (from department of Nursing): Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati  24th July 2015

28.  Bhagyalakshmi M.-A Study to assess the neurocognitive performance, psychological status (Anxiety and Depression) and coping styles among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery as Co-Guide (PhD Thesis).(department of Nursing): Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati on 11th August 2015

29.   Munikumar M - Computational approach to explore novel inhibitors and vaccine                                  candidates for bacterial meningitis as Co-Guide (PhD Thesis) (department of Bioinformatics) : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati  on 7th April 2015

30.  .Venkatesh K - In vitro differentiation and characterization of cultured human   hematopoietic stem cells to cardiomyocytes, Astrocytes and Oligodendrocytes as Co-Guide (PhD Thesis) (department of Biotechnology) : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati  on 23rd July 2015

31.  Madhavarao VN- Outcome of decompressive hemicraniectomy in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery infarction - (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2016 

32.  Dushyanth Babu J. Sleep in parkinsonism –A polysomnography based study  (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2016

33.  Naveen prasad S.V– Serial nerve conduction studies in the Electrodiagnosis of subtypes Guillain Barre syndrome and outcome : a prospective observational study from a tertiary care centre in the south india. (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide: Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2016 

34.   Anil Kumar .K: A study of serum 25 – Hydroxy vitamin D level in acute arterial stroke patient (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2017 

35.  Dinesh Kumar. N: Aetiology, clinical manifestations, radiology findings and outcome in patients with posterior circulation stroke: A Prospective study (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2017 

36.  Sarat .M: Clinical and electrophysiological study in chronic uremic neuropathy (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2017

37.  Praveen Kumar G “Vascular and Neurological Impairment in patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and Foot ulcer”- Co-Guide (DM Thesis) (department of Endocrinology) : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2017

38.  Amrutha Lakshmi R “Utility of F 18 FDG Brain PET- CT Scan in evaluation of regional brain metabolism in patients with Psychogenic Non Epileptic Seizures(PNES) (MD Thesis) Department of Nuclear medicine as Co Guide. :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2017

39.  Srikanth L – “In vitro differentiation and characterization of cultured human   hematopoietic stem cells to Type II Pneumocytes and osteocytes” as Co-Guide (PhD Thesis) (department of Biotechnology) : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati  on 19th January 2017

40.  Apparao.A “Impact of Thyroid auto antibodies on severity and functional outcome in Acute ischemic stroke” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2018

41.  Narasimhareddy L ”A study on Cognitive Impairment in Chronic dialysis Patients” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2018

42.  Yeshwanth P ”Study on Neuron Specific Enolase for assessing the severity and outcome in patients with Acute ischemic stroke” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2018

43.  Bhargavi T  “A study of Clinical presentation and out come of the patients with Guillain Barre syndrome –A Prospective observational study” . (MD Thesis) Department of Anaesthesiology as Co Guide. :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2019

44.  Poornima Sesha Sai Neelima Ch ,”Assessment of Intracranial and Extracranial carotid Vascular disease in patients presenting with acute Ischemic stroke : a prospective study” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2019

45.  Panyam Pranuthi ,”A Study of Prognostic significance of serum Troponin I in patients with acute ischemic stroke” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2019

46.  Rakesh Reddy Reddigari ,”A study on Association of CYP2C9 Polymorphisms with phenytoin toxicity” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2019

47.  Raghavendra K, “Prevalence of Autonomic Neuropathy in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with special reference to cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy”: as  Co-Guide (DM Thesis) (department of Endocrinology) : Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2019

48.  Madineni K Usha “ A Study of Prognostic significance of increased Mean platelet volume and platelet distribution width in patients with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis”  (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2020

49.  Tirupati Kedar: “A study on Stroke Awareness and factors delaying thrombolytic therapy in Acute Ischemic stroke patients at a tertiary care hospital” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2020

50.  Manideep Malakala: Comparision of Frequency of motor and Non motor symptoms in young onset versus late onset Parkinson’ disease” (DM Neurology Thesis): as Chief Guide :Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Tirupati 2020


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